Sunday, June 6, 2010

Father Son Fishin

We went to Daybreak and fished. I thought it was awesome, I caught a few pretty small, but was able to get one with Ashton sitting with me. Hopefully I am raising a good little fishing buddy.

Camping with Matt and Amanda

We went up the Uintahs with Matt and Amanda to fish and camp. It was our first camping experience with Ashton. He of coursed loved it, he loves the outdoors. We had bought him a little fishing pool for him to take with us and he loved it. He was so proud to carry around his very own fishing pole.

Was able to catch some fish and really enjoy the great outdoors.

Boating Trip

We went to Echo reservoir with my family. It was alot of fun. Ashton loves playing on the beach. He could do that all day long. Growing up we would go to lakes often and have a blast its fun to get Ashton enjoying that in his life as well.
Ashton ended up with some serious lake head though, lol.

Fishing Trip

We went to a pond near bountiful to go fishing. We went with our friends Matt and Amanda who had access to a canoe. So we were all set to go off to see. I was excited to take Ash out and try and get some fish. Well, bad things happened. With Ashton I just go in and waited for Matt to get in, but since I wasn't able to help counter balance we flipped the canoe!

So we were soaked the boy was soaked it sucked. My phone was in my pocket and got ruined. So I gave the boy to Mindy and me and Matt were able to go out on the canoe. All that and we didn't even catch anything.

Little Sister

For my birthday Mindy bought me a hamster. We just called her little sister, couldn't think of a good name for her. But Ashton loved her! He really loves animals and it was nice to have one. As you can see I'm talkng in the past tense. Little sister has go on to a better place.

Bear Lake 2009

We love our yearly trips to Bear Lake. When we were there with Mindy's family we had a blast. Ashton loved just playing and playing on the beach. He would play all day long digging in the dirt. It was so awesome to watch him start to enjoy Bear Lake as much as Mindy and I did growing up. When we would go in for the day he would be such a mess.
Also he would be pooped at the end of the day. He would just crash. A day full of the sun and digging can really wear on a ya.

Ace of Cakes

Mindy and I love to watch the food network, Mindy really loves the cake challenges and Ace of cakes. So she and my sister Pam took a cake decorating class. She loved it, and I admit it was a hobby I could really support her in.

Ashton didn't seem to mind her hobby either. Hmm... what other delicious class can I sign her up for next???

Mmmm... French Toast

So for breakfast one morning we decided to get Ash some french toast sticks form Burger King. He loved them, needless to say he was a mess afterwards!

Party Animal!!!

I Don't really have a cute story to go with this, I just thought the picture was hilarious.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Going Upstairs

So Ashton had a great idea, he wanted to take his truck upstairs. He got up the first couple but could not get it up from there. So he had a minor melt down. He gets a lot of crazy ideas, most if not all end in tears.

Pool Party

My mom set up there kids pool in the backyard to let the grandkids play in the water. All the kids loved it, except the boy. Another activity that we thought he would love that he wasn't to happy about. We were surprised that even seeing the other kids play in the pool and have fun he did not want to get in the pool. But he always has had what he wants to do in his head and nothing sways him from his plans.

Jungle Jim's

Ashton had his first experience with Jungle Jim's. It's hilarious we get so excited for new things, but Ashton never really likes the activities. Well we first saw a quarter ride machine that was a spaceship and he was very excited to get on, so we put him on and he loved it.... until we added the money to start it. Then he hated it. So we went and played some of the games before we tried another ride. The people there were nice enough to let us try the merry go round before we paid the money for the rides. Thank goodness because he hated it as well. So our sweet plans of fun got shot down. Although we did have fun playing the games.


This summer the parents got a volleyball/badminton set. It was so much fun playing that over the summer. Aston loves to be part of the action. We love to be together as a family, and its so much fun to find activities that we all enjoy and have fun doing together.


For Easter, Mindy bought Ashton and I matching ties. As you can imagine getting him into a shirt and tie was no picnic. But it was well worth it he was so cute all dressed up.

We also got him this awesome Scooter. He loves his Truck and flies around on it. The only bad thing is when he gets his mom in his sights he likes to smash into her. We have wood flooring and its so funny he slides around the turns.

Elmo Jacket

When the boy was born a companion of Papa Scotty's mission sent Ashton a levi Elmo jacket. It was too big for him when he was born, but from the time we got it until the day Ashton wore it Ashton started to love Elmo.
He loved his Elmo jacket. He wanted to wear it everywhere. It's funny how he just fell in love with Elmo and how much he loved his jacket.

Ash and Cosmo

Mindy's bro Jade has a dog named Cosmo, and Ashton loves him. He loves walking him around by his leash. He loves Pam's dog too. It was real fun watching him when he was little because he played with dogs like they were kids. I wish Mindy and I were motivated to take care of a dog because he would love it if we had one.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Zoo Day!!!!

I love the zoo and love to take Ash there. This particular time he was too small too really enjoy it until we go to the little animals. They were more active so they kept his attention.


Ashton got the coolest Pj's. They were Superman and it came with a cape that would velcro on. It was always fun to watch our little super hero fly around the house!


Ok Ok so its been over a year since our last post, so hold on tight I'm gonna rapid fire some posts.