Monday, September 22, 2008

Take me fishing...

The boy had his first fishing trip and definately not his last, He loved it. We went up to a pond in Syracuse with Matt and Amanda. The sad thing is we got skunked! But it was alot of fun. But I was not prepared it got really cold and I had just worn my t shirt and shorts. Mostly because Mindy didn't bring a sweatshirt for me! But Ashton was just so content sitting around the pond.

Food and Sleep!

This is how we found the boy after his late night meal, He is so dang cute. When I saw him like this I had to get a picture! Sometimes his bottles just put him right to sleep. He has started to crawl and roll all over and its so funny because if he finds a bottle anywhere he'll grab it and try to start chuggin! He's been so much fun for Mindy and I and we have loved seeing his personality grow and grow. He is the best!

Bear Lake!!!

So its been some time since we updated the blog.... I sorry! Anywho we went to the Dimond reunion at Bear Lake and had a blast, although Mindy and I only were there Saturday night til Monday afternoon. Work stinks! But we had so much fun. We took the ole boat around the lake and had a blast. Even Backy and Mindy went for a wild tube ride! Although Mindy got somewaht injured and me being the driver was not able to live that down for some time. Ashton love the boat, it puts him right to sleep. Ha ha.