Sunday, June 29, 2008

Enjoyin the Lake!

We love our son so much and just loved being on the lake with him and
with him his Bear Lake trip. Mindy and Ashton went on a float around the lake on a tube. He sat on the waverunner with me, mom wouldn't let him go for a ride, maybe next year. He really seemed to enjoy all the new things he was able to try, well except the ice cold water. We are so excited for his lake trips next year and hope he will enjoy them as much as we always have.

I'm Sailing!

Ashton had his first boat ride and he loved it. We headed out to "sea" and he just enjoyed himself. It was kinda choppy and windy so on the way in we would hit waves and water would splash all over him. But even with water in his face he loved his ride and by the time we almost were back to shore he had fallen asleep.


GGR just loves all the kids in her family and makes all of them feel so loved. While we were in the condo Mindy's cousin Trevor brought over his kids while we were there and GGR had them sit on her lap. As you can see Ashton and Corbin loved being with her.

Mmm.... Candy!

GGR (Great Grandma Roesbery) couldn't stand to see one of her
grandchildren go without his treat at Bear Lake so she gave Ashton a sucker in the shape of a bottle. So we let him try it, as you can see he'd make a sour face whenever he had it. But when we'd take it away he'd reach out for it. It was so funny because he really didn't look like it was that good to him, but anyone who knows Ashton knows he can't pass up food!

Bear Lake Trip!

Ashton went on his first vacation this last week. We went to Bear Lake. Both Mindy and I have had family traditions of going to Bear Lake and its fun to get Ashton started on the same. Although he was not a happy camper when we stood him up in the freezing water! But he love hangin on the beach in his little chair with his toes in the sand. He'd just move his feet back and forth and also grab sand and let it fall from his hand. Even with a couple of all day beach trips he was really good.


Ever since Ashton was little when we would hold him up in the air he'd lift his arms behind him and keep his legs straight with his body. We have wanted so badly to catch Super Baby on film but it's been hard with his excessive flying speeds finally we were able to capture these shots of him...