The boy had his first fishing trip and definately not his last, He loved it. We went up to a pond in Syracuse with Matt and Amanda. The sad thing is we got skunked! But it was alot of fun. But I was not prepared it got really cold and I had just worn my t shirt and shorts. Mostly because Mindy didn't bring a sweatshirt for me! But Ashton was just so content sitting around the pond.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Take me fishing...
The boy had his first fishing trip and definately not his last, He loved it. We went up to a pond in Syracuse with Matt and Amanda. The sad thing is we got skunked! But it was alot of fun. But I was not prepared it got really cold and I had just worn my t shirt and shorts. Mostly because Mindy didn't bring a sweatshirt for me! But Ashton was just so content sitting around the pond.
Food and Sleep!
This is how we found the boy after his late night meal, He is so dang cute. When I saw him like this I had to get a picture! Sometimes his bottles just put him right to sleep. He has started to crawl and roll all over and its so funny because if he finds a bottle anywhere he'll grab it and try to start chuggin! He's been so much fun for Mindy and I and we have loved seeing his personality grow and grow. He is the best!
Bear Lake!!!
So its been some time since we updated the blog.... I sorry! Anywho we went to the Dimond reunion at Bear Lake and had a blast, although Mindy and I only were there Saturday night til Monday afternoon. Work stinks! But we had so much fun. We took the ole boat around the lake and had a blast. Even Backy and Mindy went for a wild tube ride! Although Mindy got somewaht injured and me being the driver was not able to live that down for some time. Ashton love the boat, it puts him right to sleep. Ha ha.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Pool Party!
For the Twenty Fourth of July Mindy's Aunt T invited us over for a BBQ and a swim. I of course enjoyed the food. Especially when Troy fed me marshmallow and chocolate ( no better combination of food in the world). Also Ashton loved the pool. When we went to Bear Lake we thought he'd love the pool, while he liked it it wasn't as much as we thought. But as soon as he got in the pool this time he just started splashing all over! He loved it, unless you splashed on him, He was fine splashing on himself but would give you some hardcore stink eye if you splashed him. After the s
Church Makes us Tired
Last Sunday we went to church. It was a pretty usual day until Mindy came and got me out of Elder's Quorom. So I went out in the hall to find out what was up. Our little son knows already how to escape church he had an accident and we had to go change his clothes. Any who after church after Ashton and I were filled so heavily with the spirit we became weak and had to rest. Mindy caught us in the act though!
What Kind of People Eat This Stuff!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Jade and Kirsti!

We were really blessed recently we went to two weddings in two weeks! This last Saturday was Jade and Kirsti's turn. Their wedding was awesome, they were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple. It's awesome to be in the temple with family and the ones you love so much. They had a Luau the night before for them it was so sweet! They even had some Hawaiian dancers come it was really cool to watch. Then at their reception we had a ton of fun too. They had dancing, now Mindy and I aren't big dancers but when everyone else is dancing and having a ball you can't help but join in! I am glad we did it was so much fun. We wish them the best and can't wait for Ashton to have a little Bytheway cousin! nudge nudge.

The Voldens
Man we had an awesome opportunity to go to my best buddy Matt's wedding to Amanda. It was such an awesome experience to be there in the temple with someone you are so close to! He was married in the Bountiful temple. If I could have the feelings of the temple always it would be awesome! I'm so grateful he invited Mindy and I. You can really see the joy and love Matt and Amanda have for each other and I am excited to see them grow stronger and stronger as a couple.
Drink Your Lunch!!!

Ashton finally got to meet his Uncle Taylor. For those of you that don't know Taylor has been serving a mission in Baltimore. We were so excited for him to come home and excited for him to meet Ashton. Taylor is awesome and we are happy to have him home. Mindy and Ashton were able to go down to St George to welcome him home over the 4th of July holiday. Taylor fed Ashton while he was down there, but his new habit is to goof off when he should be eating, so Taylor had to get after him and tell him "drink your lunch!"
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Enjoyin the Lake!
We love our son so much and just loved being on the lake with him and
with him his Bear Lake trip. Mindy and Ashton went on a float around the lake on a tube. He sat on the waverunner with me, mom wouldn't let him go for a ride, maybe next year. He really seemed to enjoy all the new things he was able to try, well except the ice cold water. We are so excited for his lake trips next year and hope he will enjoy them as much as we always have.
I'm Sailing!
Ashton had his first boat ride and he loved it. We headed out to "sea" and he just enjoyed himself. It was kinda choppy and windy so on the way in we would hit waves and water would splash all over him. But even with water in his face he loved his ride and by the time we almost were back to shore he had fallen asleep.
Mmm.... Candy!
Bear Lake Trip!
Ashton went on his first vacation this last week. We went to Bear Lake. Both Mindy and I have had family traditions of going to Bear Lake and its fun to get Ashton started on the same. Although he was not a happy camper when we stood him up in the freezing water! But he love hangin on the beach in his little chair with his toes in the sand. He'd just move his feet back and forth and also grab sand and let it fall from his hand. Even with a couple of all day beach trips he was really good.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Utah's own "Ace of Cakes!"

So recently Mindy has gotten hooked on the food network it all started with the show "Ace of Cakes." It's a reality show that follows the business Charm City Cakes. They make really awesome looking cakes and Mindy loves it. Anyway soon she started watching the food network non stop. From all the inspiration she was getting from all these cooking shows she really wanted to make a cake. It just so happened that her friend Marci's birthday came up and so she set off to make her cake! So Mindy planned out here day, she'd clean the house, do some typing and best of all make an awesome chocolate cake. She got all her supplies together and started her cake. Long story short it took up her whole day. She made four round cakes and some chocolate frosting. After stacking three round cakes she decided it was in the best interest of all involved to not add one more layer. Talking to her throughout the process she made me very scared, but as you can see she did awesome. I told her she needed to make a portfolio with her cake pictures so she can send it to the Charm City Cake people. S0 if you find yourself watching the Food Network and think you see Mindy don't be surprised!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Droopy Dog Impersonation
We have be
en getting such a kick from how big Ashton's cheeks are getting. For those that are familiar he reminds me of the cartoon dog Droopy. He was a Bassett hound. Anyway he is getting so big and he is so much fun to have in our lives. Also check out his sweet threads supporting the Blues we bought this outfit online but it was 3-6 months and I've been so anxious for him to wear it!
Bouncer Chair
A neighbor of Mindy's mom had a bouncing play chair and its sweet. Again if you read the
previous post about his new ride you're aware of his height or the lack there of, anyway, we had to put something underneath his feet so he can actually bounce! but the funniest part about it as you can see in the picture is that when we put him in it he puts his arms down the hole with his body! Its so funny the first time i saw it I could not stop laughing. So we pull his arms out and as soon as we leave him be he puts his arms right back down, crazy kid!

Ashton's First Ride!
So our boy got his set of wheels this last week. It is a walker/bouncer that I have been waiting to get forever. Ashton got it from Nana, Pam, and Beck. When we first started looking at baby stuff I saw this and told Mindy if it was a boy we had to get it! So I was way excited when my family gave it to us for a shower gift. The only bad thing is, is that Mindy and I don't really have height genes to pass on, as you might know. So our son is a little on the short side so he cannot touch the ground when he is in it. So his face rest on the steering wheel, which has a horn and other buttons on it that make sounds. So Ashton will honk the horn and play other music with his face. Mindy and I just watched and laughed!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Zoo Adventure!
Ashton had a zoo adventure this last Saturday for cousin Hailey's birthday. He did pretty good still kinda young to really enjoy it. But there was a little cage full of mini monkey things that he really enjoyed. They were really active running all over there cage so they caught his attention. Man it is so crazy to think that lil Hailey is six years old. She has grown up s

think of what all has happened in my life since she's been born but still be shocked she's six. She was and always will be a blessing in all of the Thomas' families lives. We were all so excited to have a little baby in the family and now a little girl. We love our Hailey!
Well Ashton had his first taste of food in April. We started with rice cereal and he had a hard time swallowing it as you can see in the picture! Then he had bananas, and his latest was squash. It's so funny because Mindy and I always are excited to see his crazy reaction. So we get the camera out and gather round to feed him. Pretty much everytime he gets some food in his mouth he just looks at us like what is this then starts chowing down! Mindy and I laugh because what do we expect our boy is an eater we should expect nothing less! He's the cutest little boy and we love him!!!
Fight Night!
The boy was exposed to his first fight night last month and he loved it! He was able to visit with his good friends Matt and Amanda and sit back and enjoy the fight. He really does like when he gets company just more people to watch and comment on his every move. Matt and I had a sweet "man" day we played some golf during the day then followed it up with a BBQ and a fight. Could it be any better then that. I'm sure Mindy could think of some things!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Game on... Eh!

Saturday, March 29, 2008
Easter Fun!
Well we just had Easter at Nana and Pop's house and it was great. It is so nice to be able to spend special time with the family we love. Not only was just The Fam there but also Cousins Jim, Bob, and Cathy. We had a blast. We also were able to get these way cute pictures of Ashton and his cousin Molly! Its so much fun having them so close in age. Also our little one Ashton hit his three months mark! It seems like everyday he's getting bigger and bigger. Also he is getting to be so much fun. Mindy and I can just sit and play with him all day long. Its funny that he can't even talk but he's so entertaining. Well I hope all of you had a good Easter.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Check Out My Sweet Stats!!!
We cannot believe our little Ashton is two months! He's been growing so much lately. He use to have zero meat on his bones but now he's bulking up! He's the cutest kid, he's starting to smile at us a lot. He's also starting to "talk" to us. It's been so awesome to have him in our lives. He's brought so much joy into our home!
He's a Star
The boy went to his first photo shoot and did so good. He got to go with his mama and grandma B! It was a struggle to get him to smile, because he smiles on his own time! One thing he'll have to learn is to have a better nights sleep the day before his next one, because he fell asleep when the photographer put him on his belly for a picture!

Sunday, February 3, 2008
Are You Ready For Some Football!!!
Hey everybody this is Ashton I just wanted to write about my first Super Bowl, it was awesome! I even snuck a sweet, sweet Pepsi when no one was lookin! I've been cheering for the Giants ever since I was born so it was so cool to see them pull it off. Although to tell you the truth I knew they would! I felt bad when the Giants had to trounce Dad's team the Cowboys to get where they did, but they did what they had to do! Go Giants!!!
P.S. Don't tell my dad I was secretly cheering against the Cowboys all along!
P.S. Don't tell my dad I was secretly cheering against the Cowboys all along!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
One Month

Alright, I know I know we just barely did a post, but we're back! Its the little Ashton's one month birthday!!! And he is the cutest little guy. He has definitely become mommy's little baby, and daddy's little buddy. He is so fun to have around and brings a smile to our faces constantly. It's been so fun for us to see his personality come out!
Getting Started
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